Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our Family Day

February 14, 2006 was the first day we were a family of 3! That was the day Mark joined Mia and I in Guatemala and we were a family forever. Today we celebrated by just spending lots of fun time together as a family. Luckily it snowed last night so we got to go play in the snow with Daddy! We only got 2-3 inches this time so the girls could actually walk around in it. We are so blessed to have such wonderful little girls and have such a great family!


Debbie said...

Our 1st Liliana Day is next month. It seems hard to believe that it's almost been a year, so I can only imagine how hard it is for you to wrap your head around the fact that it's been 3 years for your family.

Rays Family said...

Hi Erin,

I found your blog today and it is great. I love all the pictures of the girls and you are such a wonderful mommy and the girls are amazing. I can't wait to show Joe Joe.

Love, Anne & Joe